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Gas and condensate discovery
Gas and condensate discovery

Gas and condensate discovery

  2015 July 22
Operator Statoil and its PL146/PL333 partner Total E&P Norge have made a gas and condensate discovery in the Julius prospect in the King Lear area in the North Sea.

According to a report released by Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, on the last day of Mordad 1392 (August 22, 2013) the Minister of Petroleum landed in South Pars Gas Field to pay a visit to Phase 12 Refinery in the first leg of his tour 8 years after his last presence at South Pars Gas Field.
Following his visit, the Petroleum Minister was briefed on the progress made in Phase 12 by Engineer Shams, Petropars Group CEO, and Dr. Akbari, Phase 12 Project Manager. Subsequently, he held a meeting with the individuals in charge of development of Phase 12 in the course of which he expressed his pleasure and satisfaction over the progress made in Phase 12 Project. The Petroleum Minister commented that remarkable and huge attempts have been made in South Pars Gas Field, which should continue until the time gas would be produced.
Pointing to the fact that there was a dire shortage of gas and that the national gas grid was experiencing critical circumstances, the Petroleum Minister stressed the need to expedite and speed up Phase 12 executive operations. In this respect, the Minister commented, “The nation expects increase and boost in the output of gas from joint fields. Consequently, our major objective is to shortly produce gas from Phase 12 of South Pars as the greatest development project.” The Petroleum Minister further noted, “If we manage to attain this objective and when gas is produced from Phase 12, the whole nation will feel happy as they will see that we have managed to increase production from joint fields.”
He added, “It is the major policy of the Administration to materialize production of gas from South Pars at the earliest based on which we will focus all attempts and centralize activities on phases including 12,17, 18, 15 and 16 which are certain to produce gas in a short term. However, we will make every attempt to develop other phases of South Pars in subsequent phases.”
The Minister of Petroleum further said, “The Administration holds that increase in production from South Pars Gas Field not only boosts the national morale and satisfies the national need for gas, but also it directly affects people’s lives and promotes Iran’s position in the global energy market.”
Engineer Zanganeh discriminated “liquidity problem” and “claims” of contractor companies and commented, “Despite the fact that we spare no attempt to accelerate progress and speed up development operations by providing the financial sources in a timely manner, we logically do expect the contractors to solve their “liquidity problem” and to meet their financial needs. If you expect the Administration to settle the “liquidity problem” of contractor companies, then the Administration will turn into the owner of such companies, a situation which is not deemed rational and advisable by the Administration. Hence, we are determined to speed up payment of legal and authorized claims which the contractor companies involved at South Pars may have.”
Noting the extensive measures adopted for exploitation of the remaining phases of South Pars, the Petroleum Minister stated, “Despite the fact that great attempts have been made, the truth is we have not managed to produce gas yet. Hence, South Pars is in need of further and comprehensive attempts by all contractors and employers. Everybody should extend all measures and attempts to settle the problems which affect development of South Pars.”
It should be noted that prior to the comments made by the Minister of Petroleum, Engineer Shams, Petropars Group CEO, and Dr. Akbari, Phase 12 Project Manager together with other managers and directors of Phase 12 Project produced and delivered a report and briefed the Minister on the latest circumstances prevailing at South Pars Gas Field.”