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Public Notice by Petropars on Erroneous and Fictitious Employment

  2015 November 28
It has recently been brought to our attention that on Page 7 of Edition No. 800 of “Bazar Kar” Weekly which was circulated on Saturday, Mehr 27, 1392


Public Notice by Petropars on Erroneous and Fictitious Employment 
Advertisement Published under the Title of 
“Conditions and Qualifications for Recruitment of Human Workforce in Petropars”
It has recently been brought to our attention that on Page 7 of Edition No. 800 of “Bazar Kar” Weekly which was circulated on Saturday, Mehr 27, 1392 (September 19, 2013) an erroneous and fictitious employment advertisement has been published under the title of “Conditions and Qualifications for Recruitment of Human Workforce in Petropars”. Please be hereby informed that no request whatsoever has been made and/or submitted for publication thereof and that it has been circulated without prior consent and approval of Petropars and that the said advertisement was fake and non-factual. Hence, we wish to draw your kind attention to the following:
The employment advertisement published on Page 7 of Edition No. 800 of “Bazar Kar” Weekly of Saturday, Mehr 27, 1392 (September 19, 2013) under the title of “Conditions and Qualifications for Recruitment of Human Workforce in Petropars” was printed and circulated without prior consent, permission and approval of Petropars.
The employment advertisement intended by Petropars has already been posted on Petropars Website on Ordibehesht 1392 (April 2103) and the deadline for application for any vacancy mentioned therein has already expired. Hence, re-circulation of the said advertisement by “Bazar Kar Weekly” was erroneous.

3. The employment and recruitment advertisements and notices deemed required by Petropars are and will be posted solely and merely on Petropars Website for public use.