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Petropars Public Relations Was Judged the Best in Iran
Petropars Public Relations Was Judged the Best in Iran

Petropars Public Relations Was Judged the Best in Iran

  2015 November 28
In the course of the 8th National Congress on Public Relations Publications, the Public Relations a...
In the course of the 8th National Congress on Public Relations Publications, the Public Relations and International Affair Department of Petropars ranked the First in three fields and hence was introduced as the “Excellent Top-Ranking National Public Relations” competing with 150 state-affiliated and private sector public relations.
According to this report, out of 1,800 works and productions judged in this congress, the productions produced by Petropars Public Relations and International Affairs Department ranked the First in “Multimedia”, “Electronic Periodicals” and “Books” fields as a result of which PPL Public Relations Department was introduced as the “Excellent Top-Ranking National Public Relations”.
The 8th National Congress on Public Relations Publications, which was held on Ordibehesht 17-18, 1392, was organized (1) to select and introduce an appropriate role model in the field of “Publications”, (2) to familiarize the public with the principles and standards developed for publications by public relations, and (3) to introduce successful publications and experiences in five general fields. It should be noted that all state-affiliated and private sector public relations of Iran had submitted their publications and productions to the Referee Board for judgment.
In the concluding ceremony of the Congress, which was held on Ordibehesht 18 1392 at the place of Meeting Hall of the National Iranian Library, based on the judgment and opinion of the said Board, Public Relations of Petropars was selected as the “Excellent Top-Ranking National Public Relations”. This ceremony was attended by Dr. Azizi, the Chairman of Social Commission of Islamic Consultative Assembly (ICA), the Head of Public Relations Experts Society, and Mehdi Bagherian, the Head of Public Relations Institute.
The Manager of Public Relations and International Affair Department of Petropars, Engineer Seyed Hadi Mirbagheri expressed his thankfulness for the support by the Company’s Managing Director and the attempts made by ex-managers and former and present colleagues of PPL’s Public Relations and commented, “By winning this title we will definitely have a heavier responsibility on our shoulders in the future. We do realize that it is a hard job to retain the first rank but we will spare no effort to keep it in upcoming years”.
Pointing out the issue of periodicals and publications by public relations and putting emphasis on the position of mass media, he expressed, “The knowledge of message production, the method of disseminating and spreading the content of messages, using different channels to establish mutual relations between an organization and the addressees are included among the most important functions and duties of every public relations department. Based on this approach, one of the best definitions developed so far for public relations is “the rational usage of media to influence public opinion”.
The Manager of Public Relations and International Affair Department of Petropars further added, “Nowadays, public relations are considered as the architects of communications system with addressees inside and outside every organization. Based on this attitude, any individual, who is engaged in a public relations as an employee, as an expert or as a manager should not only be familiar with the mass media and their functions but also should be able to have access to messages, be able to analyze them and to attempt to disseminate them. Further such a person should have the talent to comprehend and digest the messages sent by the addressees from inside and outside organization including the mass media”.
Commenting that under present circumstances Petropars is fighting a war in the front line of economic war, Engineer Mirbagheri added, “In the year of “Political Achievement and Economic Accomplishment” the mission and function of public relations is to make optimal use of every mass media to reflect the attempts and endeavors made sincerely and purely for the growth and development of Islamic Iran.”

It is worth mentioning that the 8th National Congress on Public Relations Publications which appointed Petropars as the First, selected and praised the subsequent rank holders including Public Relations of Youth and Children Cognitive Development Center (Kannon Parvaresh Fekri), Ministry of Petroleum, the Central Bank of Iran, Ministry of Medical Health and Treatment, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization (IRIB), Charity Affairs and Donations Organizations, the State Organization for Registration of Deeds, and Bank Keshavarzi.