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Norooz Festivities at South Pars
Norooz Festivities at South Pars

Norooz Festivities at South Pars

  2015 December 07
Norooz Festivities Were Held Simultaneous with the Beginning of New Iranian Year for the First Time...


The ceremonies and rituals marking the beginning of new Iranian Year 1392 were held In the Operational Zones of Petropars and its affiliated companies. To this end, three celebrations were held accompanied by Iranian traditional music at Workers and Engineers Residential Camps of Petropars.
A report released by the International Affairs and Public Relations Department of Petropars says that, simultaneous with the beginning of new Iranian Year 1392, Operational Zones of Petropars and its affiliated companies (Phase 12 and Phase 19 of South Pars Gas Field) experienced two big celebrations which were held at the Workers Camps for the first time ever in the history of South Pars.
The celebrations were performed and conducted by Reza Abbasi and Morteza Hosseini, famous performers from IRIB, and Mr. Saman Gooran, a well-known comedian, and Ilya and Yaran-e Jan Traditional Iranian Music Band. The celebrations were extensively attended by the workers which created an unprecedented and merry atmosphere in Iran’s energy capital (South Pars).
The festivities followed the annual celebrations which were held by Petropars at the beginning of Iranian Norooz earlier. However, since Phase 12 Project was under sensitive circumstances leading to initial production and which required continual presence of the workers in the region to retain the increasing trend of growth in Phase 12 Project, the celebrations were very carefully scheduled as a result of which an unprecedented Norooz was experienced in the Operational Zones.
The third celebration in the Operational Zones of Petropars and its affiliated companies which were held on the second day of Farvardin, were exclusively programmed for the family members of workers in the Operational Zones who extensively attended the festivities. This one was performed and conducted by Hossein Abbasi, and Hassan Reyvandi, a well-known comedian, and Ilya and Yaran-e Jan Traditional Iranian Music Band. The festivities were concluded until mid-night and brought joyful moments for them to remember.

A point to be noted in the course of these celebrations was the extensive presence of workers and their family members together with order and discipline.