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Petropars CEO: Periodic Medical Examinations of Employees Should Not
Petropars CEO: Periodic Medical Examinations of Employees Should Not

Petropars CEO: Periodic Medical Examinations of Employees Should Not

  2015 December 07
Petropars CEO: Periodic Medical Examinations of Employees Should Not Turn into Organizational Duty ...


Engineer Shams, Petropars CEO, attended the ceremony marking the opening of Health Clinic at Petropars Headquarters on Tuesday January 15, 2013 (Dey 26, 1391). In his opening address he commented that the periodic medical examinations of employees should not turn into an organizational duty or a dramatic event.
A report released by Public Relations and International Affair Department of Petropars says that Engineer Shams underlined that Petropars was a human-oriented and human-based company and hence great significance was attached to employees’ health. He further said, “It is highly necessary to exercise precise programming to practice continuous supervision, to use state-of-the-art medical equipment, and to observe internationally-accepted standards for medical check-ups. Subsequently, the periodic medical examinations results should be carefully studied in specialized medical health institutes in order to take preventive actions and corrective measures for enhancement of employees’ health.
In the opening ceremony, Dr. Safdari, the Manager of Petropars Human Resources and Training Department stated that the Health Clinic of Petropars is the fruit and outcome of joint attempts and sincere collaboration between HSEQ and Human Resources and Training Department. He further said that senior managers of the company have always stressed the need to promote employees’ health level. According to him, the periodic medical examinations carried out this year simply marks a starting point for promotion of employees’ health in upcoming years.
Prior to the opening addresses by Engineer Shams and Dr. Safdari, Mr. Mousavi, the Manager of HSEQ and Mr. Azimzadeh, Head of Welfare Affairs, including some managers of the Company delivered reports on the measures taken to set up the Health Clinic of Petropars as well as the activities related to periodic medical examinations of the employees.
Upon establishment of Health Clinic at Petropars Headquarters which was attended by Engineer Shams, Petropars CEO, Dr Fallahi, Head of Tehran Oil Industry Health and Therapy, as well as other managers of oil industries medicine, Dr Safdari, Manager of Petropars Human Resources and Training Department, Mr. Mousavi, Manager of HSEQ, as well as other ranking managers of Petropars, the medical examinations of Petropars and Petropars-affiliated employees will be carried out more efficiently and conveniently in a time-effective manner.
Health Clinic of Petropars is one of a kind: a new and professionally a unique endeavor in Iran’s oil industries. It is located on the 7th floor of Farhang Building of Petropars Headquarters. The clinic includes optometry, audiometry, spirometry, cardiography, blood test and industrial medicine ward. The periodic medical examinations of employees of Petropars and Petropars-affiliated companies will be performed by mobile heath and medical teams.

It is worth stating that the periodic medical examinations of employees who are stationed in the operational regions will be carried out annually, while those of the personnel who are working at Petropars Headquarters will be performed at three-year intervals.