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Phase 19 Were  Inaugurated by President Rouhani
Phase 19 Were  Inaugurated by President Rouhani

Phase 19 Were Inaugurated by President Rouhani

  2017 April 22
Commissioning of Phases 17-18, Phase 19 and Phases 20-21 as well as Phase 1 of the Project for Development of Output and Production from oil layers of South Pars Gas Field was inaugurated by President Rouhani on Sunday, April 16, 2017 (Farvardin 26, 1396).


Connected by a video conference to gas production platforms, President Rouhani issued an order for commencement of commissioning of Phases 17-18, Phase 19 and Phases 20-21 of South Pars Gas Field and commented “These platforms will lead Iran to a progress and advancement which Iranian people deserve. I wish to express and extend my pleasure to all experts, specialists and workers who exhibited such sources of prides to the people of the world.”
President Rouhani underlined “Every time we visited Assaluyeh in the past, we witnessed that a major step was taken for the progress of Iran. Today we can clearly see that all attempts made to this date have proved a great accomplishment. When a project begins its production, it implies that all Iranians have spared no effort under very difficult circumstances to see the project producing.”
President Rouhani went on to add “The day when a plus-20 billion-Dollar project is inaugurated, it is an unprecedented day in the history of the nation. Further, the fact that in a jointly-owned field, we are out-producing our neighboring country, and that since the beginning of our Administration, the gas production and output capacity have grown double-fold, suggest that if we remain united and consolidated, we can make utmost achievements.”
In the ceremony held for inauguration of Phases 17-18, Phase 19 and Phases 20-21, the Petroleum Minister, Engineer Zanganeh, commented that establishment of Petropars Limited (PPL) was one of the prominent accomplishments of oil industry in Iran, and added “Some people maintain that Assaluyeh was developed by money whereas I believe Assaluyeh was built by devotion, love of Iran and commitment.”
In the evening of the inauguration day, Managing Director of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), accompanied by the Deputy Managing Director for Engineering and Development of NIOC as well as the Managing Director of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) paid a visit to different sections of Phase 19 of South Pars Gas Field.
In the sidelines of their visit to Phase 19, Mr. Kardor described PPL as the “most successful” company in development of different projects executed at South Pars Gas Field. According to him Phase 19, which was completed in 35 months, is a very reliable and concrete evidence for such evaluation as Phase 19 was completed ahead of the time schedule, with lower costs and maximum quality, compared to other projects executed at South Pars Gas Field.