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Managing Director of NIOC Attends the Ceremony Held for Outgoing and  Incoming Managing Director of Petropars
Managing Director of NIOC Attends the Ceremony Held for Outgoing and  Incoming Managing Director of Petropars

Managing Director of NIOC Attends the Ceremony Held for Outgoing and Incoming Managing Director of Petropars

  2019 February 13
The ceremony which was held, at the Conference Hall of Petropars, to appreciate the sincere services rendered by...

The ceremony which was held, at the Conference Hall of Petropars, to appreciate the sincere services rendered by Dr. Akbari and to introduce Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi as the newly-appointed Managing Director of Petropars was attended by Dr. Masoud Karbasian, the Managing Director of the National Iranian Oil Company, Engineer Aydin Khotlaan, Special Advisor to the Minister of Petroleum, Engineer Ali-Akbar Pour-Ebrahim, the Managing Director of NICO, Engineer Mohammad Meshkinfaam, the Managing Director of POGC, members of the Board of Directors of the National Iranian Oil Company, and the senior managers and directors of Iran oil industries.

Managing Director of NIOC: Petropars Experienced Remarkable Progress
In the course of the ceremony, the Managing Director of NIOC praised and appreciated the the efforts made by the former Managing Director of Petropars and stated that Engineer Zanganeh is the spiritual father of Petropars and that Petropars was founded relying on his bright and promising intellect. He further added, “I am much honored to see that since 1377 (1998) when I was a member of the Board of Directors of this company, Petropars has managed to make huge progress and that it presently enjoys a high status among oil and gas companies.”
Dr. Masoud Karbasian added, “At the inception of its activities and operations, Petropars had really tough and strong rivals and competitors and notwithstanding the international sanctions which were imposed, Petropars managed to demonstrate their capabilities and competence relying on its competent and qualifies managers and directors. 
The Deputy-Minister of Petroleum highlighted the fruitful operations undertaken and carried out by Petropars and commented, “I am positive the advances and accomplishments made by Petropars was made possible only by the ceaseless attempts and efforts rendered by its employees.
He added, “Petropars should make every attempt to materialize a bright future for Iran’s oil industry. Fortunately, at South Pars Gas Field we are ahead of Qatar which a source of pride for Iran and the Petroleum Minister, the reason being that the development of the joint field of South Pars was initiated and perpetuated by Mr. Zanganeh.”
Dr Karbasian stated that if an agreement is made with the Chinese company for Phase 11 of Development of South Pars, Petropars is able to implement the development of Phase 11 in cooperation with the Chinese company in which case it will be another success and accomplishment in Petropars record.
He further said that included among the plans and programs of the Petroleum Ministry, there are 23 maintenance projects, and hopefully Petropars will play an active role in the said projects. We are very optimistic that Petropars will proceed in the path of progress and advancement as always and the good news is the atmosphere is well prepared for such activities by Petropars.    
Dr Karbasian described the presence of Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi at Petropars as “very promising and fortunate and added, based on his valuable experiences, he has very good relation with POGC, which will definitely contribute to the growth and progress of Petropars.


Managing Director of NICO
Discipline, Professionalism and International Experiences Are the 
Merits and Advantages of Petropars 
Engineer Ali-Akbar Pour-Ebrahim mentioned that Petropars is included among very few contractor companies which is known to the public, and added discipline, professionalism and having international experiences are the important merits and advantages of Petropars.
“We are well-aware that Petropars experienced lots of ups and downs in its history and that in the course of those tough days and hardships it was Dr. Akbari who, in his capacity as the Managing Director of Petropars guided the company. One of the great accomplishments of Dr. Akbari in the years he was at the service of Petropars was certainly the implementation and completion of development of Phase 12 of South Pars Gas Field.”
Managing Director of NICO added “Phase 12 itself was equal to 3 phases and it was completed when Iran had been suffering from shortage of natural gas and it has been since long when we had meager increase in gas production.”
He expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the services rendered by Dr. Akbari during the years of his service. He went on to add that Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi was appointed as the new Managing Director of Petropars relying on his record at Petropars and his being extensively experienced and now that he has undertaken this responsibility under the tough conditions when sanctions are imposed, we wish his all the best of success.
Engineer Pour-Ebrahim urged the National Iranian Oil Company to fully support Petropars and commented if Petropars cannot manage to function well enough, oil industries will experience problems in advancement of its projects. It should be noted that cost and time are the major factors which contribute to progress of projects.
Dr. Akbari: Execution by Petropars of Projects Worth USD 16 Billion Is Unprecedented
The former Managing Director of Petropars said, “Execution by Petropars of Projects worth USD 16 billion during 20 years was unprecedented and a priceless record. Petropars was involved, either directly or indirectly, in development of 11 phases at South Pars Gas Field.”
Dr. Akbari described Petropars as a company accredited at international levels and commented Petropars is a professional and modern company and thanks to its joint operations with international and foreign companies, Petropars has turned into a growing and promising and international company.
He pointed out the new capacities and capabilities created at Petropars and assessed that our company can equally compete with international companies. He reiterated that Petropars has been able to win the pleasure and satisfaction of all employers in the projects undertaken.
According to Dr. Akbari, included among the merits and advantages of Petropars which has been built up are professionalism, being modern and updated, capability to compete at global markets of oil and gas, pragmatism based on knowledge, and its adaptability to various conditions and finally being committed.  
Stating that in course of 20 years since its foundation, Petropars was involved, either directly or indirectly, in development of 11 phases at South Pars Gas Field, he commented Petropars, as a contractor, made the greatest contribution to development of the joint South Pars Gas Field.
Based on Dr. Akbari’s evaluation, the outcome of the projects which were implemented by Petropars are the production of 311 million cubic meters of gas (i.e. 11 billion cubic feet) and 500,000 barrels of LNG, which an invaluable record.
He underlined that Petropars is rich with very experienced, competent and committed managers and directors relying on which Petropars is capable to undertake greater responsibilities and hopefully we will witness happy days with prosperity.


New Managing Director of Petropars
Petropars Should Undertake Oil and Gas Midstream Projects
Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi appreciated and expressed his thankfulness for the services performed by Dr. Akbari during the long years of his service at oil industry in general and at South Pars Gas Field in particular and stated, “It is worth praising that the approach and attitude adopted by the Petroleum Ministry and the National Iranian Oil Company was to trust the young generation in the managerial fields and areas of oil and gas in Iran.” 
On his being familiar with Petropars, he said in earl 1391 when I was appointed as the executor of development of Phase 19, I began to closely know Petropars.
He reiterated that more than one half of the projects of South Pars Gas Field had been developed by Petropars, he stated, “After completion of Phase 4 and 5, Phase 19 of South Pars  was the first project that took some 71 months for Petropars and Iranian contractors to produce at commercial scales relying on offshore gas.”
The conditions and circumstances we experienced in 1392 and 1393 when sanctions were imposed proved very tough, and I as the executor of Phase 19 could see the hardships Petropars underwent for completion of this Project and it is an honor for Petropars.
He stressed that implementation and completion of Phase 19 substantiated that Petropars is capable to undertake any project.
“Petropars should turn into a great contractor for production and exploration both in the region and at international levels. Further, Petropars should undertake midstream projects in Iran’s oil and gas industries.”
To conclude his comments, the newly-appointed Managing Director of Petropars requested that more projects be ceded and assigned to Petropars, and stressed that the outcome of trust in Petropars in the past was that more than one half of South Pars Gas Field was developed by Petropars. So no one will ever be disappointed if we are involved in more projects and if NICO extends more support to Petropars.