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Petropars Group Managing Director Visits South Pars  Phase 11 Jacket
Petropars Group Managing Director Visits South Pars  Phase 11 Jacket

Petropars Group Managing Director Visits South Pars Phase 11 Jacket

  2020 January 12
The Managing Director of Petropars Group and the entourage visited the preparation phases of the Jacket for Phase 11 of South Pars and Farzad Project at Qeshm Island.

Based on a report released by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, after assignment of full development of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field to Petropars, relying on the experiences and full capabilities acquired in the course of development of over one half of South Pars Gas Field, Petropars managed to diligently step into the implementation phase of this project at the earliest possible.

Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi and the delegation accompanying him attended the Qeshm yard to visit and review the technical-engineering pre-requisites for the final preparation and erection of one of the pillars of Phase 11 Jacket (Jacket B11).

The Managing Director of Petropars Group underlined that the activities and operations required for the final preparation and erection of one of the pillars of Jacket B11 should be expedited and accelerated. To this end, a number of meetings were held with project managers and the contractors in order to notify the new plans and programs and to brief them on the same.

He further visited the four pillars of Farzad Project as well as the materials and equipment utilized for fabrication of the four pillars of the Project for Development of Belaal Gas Field.

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