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PPL Group CEO Message on 22nd Anniversary
PPL Group CEO Message on 22nd Anniversary

PPL Group CEO Message on 22nd Anniversary

  2020 January 28
Petropars is celebrating the 22nd anniversary of its establishment remembering that we experienced numerous ups and downs and that we have tackled and challenged so many difficult conditions and settled myriad of hardships and problems which were imposed against us but which were not even sensed by other companies.

Petropars commenced its activities and operations in Iranian year 1376 (1997) and since then has been present in the frontline of Iran’s economy and has experienced varieties of restrictions, limitations and sanctions. Given all these hardships we never and ever gave up and ceased to move forward courageously and fully-determined, relying on the unsparing endeavors of Iranian experts and specialists, to acquire the knowledge and the technical know-how we needed to execute the fundamental and national projects.

Consequently, today we see that the name and brand of Petropars is bright echoing its reputation. Presently, Petropars, as a knowledge-based company with brilliant history and filled with pride and honor, is sparing no effort for the glory of Islamic Iran, while foreign and international companies are absent.

Petropars Group, consisting of 7 affiliated companies, and taking advantage of well over two thousand specialized and expert workforce, relying on an extensive network of nationally- and internationally-accredited clients, contractors, manufacturers and suppliers, and thanks to the  exemplary engineering management and financing capability, and having the experience of executing project abroad, feels more dynamic potentially- and practically-speaking and hence has revised its objectives and strategies to win substantial and conspicuous tenders.

Further to its operations in the upstream section of oil and gas industries, Petropars has adopted a state-of-the-art and modern approach to diversify its value chain and has hence stepped into petrochemicals sector and is treading this path with authority.

To contribute to the growth of Iran and to show our being committed to our responsibilities and undertakings, we have until now executed significant projects including but not limited to development of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field, development of Belaal Gas Field, development of South Azadegan Oil Field, development of FARZAD Gas Field, and management of the project for pre-development of 28 tankers at oil-rich zones of South Iran.

It is a source of pride and honor for Petropars that the Petroleum Minister once stated, “From my point of view, Petropars is the best Iranian exploration and production company as they have fulfilled all their commitments and undertakings, in connection with the contracts concluded and the projects assigned to them in a time-effective and cost-effective manner.”

In the 22nd anniversary of establishment of Petropars, hopefully we will perpetuate and safeguard the priceless legacy of the past and will play a key role in oil and gas industries to witness further growth and glory of Petropars in oil and gas sector of Iran and even abroad.

Hamid-Reza Masoudi

Managing Director Petropars Group