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Projects Basket of Petropars Group Turns Diversified and Numerous for the First Time
Projects Basket of Petropars Group Turns Diversified and Numerous for the First Time

Projects Basket of Petropars Group Turns Diversified and Numerous for the First Time

  2020 February 08
In the course of the ceremony held to mark the beginning of the 10-Day Fajr and to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of establishment of Petropars,

According to a report released by the International Affairs and Public Relations of Petropars Group, Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi called the simultaneity of beginning of the 10-Day Fajr and the 22nd anniversary of establishment of Petropars with the first anniversary of his presence at Petropars as the Managing Director a very auspicious event, and commented, : As promised, with the assistance extended by my colleagues, we stepped  into the realm of contractors with greater power as a result of which we managed either to conclude or to hold negotiations to finalize the contracts for 10 different projects.

He commented a good point about these 10 projects was that they are diversified, and added. “In the past, Petropars used to be a known brand in the gas sector, but presently we have already stepped into the oil sector as well and further we will implement and execute a large project in the petrochemicals sector. Consequently, the composition of the clients has been diversified as a result of which the revenues basket of Petropars will not be limited to a single client.”

Petropars CEO went on to underline and stress the special approach adopted by Petropars last year to expand the chain value and diversify its business, and added “Relying on the unsparing attempte and efforts by our colleagues at different sections, we managed to increase our capability and ability for competition. We have learned how to successfully manage the tenders formalities as a consequence of which we have won four tenders held for 4 major projects.

According to Petropars CEO, the financial transparency of Petropars Group is another advantage and strength point for the Group. “Last year we managed to exhibit a transparent picture of our debts and claims, and we have taken calculated measures to pay our debts to the contractors and collect our claims from the clients.”

Engineer Masoudi highlighted the importance of human resources and significance of their welfare considerations and added, “Having in mind the promise I made when I took office at Petropars, we spared no effort to increase the welfare level of our colleagues at Petropars, and considering the new projects which we have undertaken, we are recruiting new workforce while we give priority to the former colleagues who used to work at Petropars Group.”

It is worth mentioning that in the course of the ceremony which was held to mark the beginning of the 10-Day Fajr and to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of establishment of Petropars on Bahman 7th, and which was attended by the managing directors of the companies affiliated to Petropars Group as well as some other directors and managers, the Manager of Human Resources and Training Department of Petropars delivered in detailed report.