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Implementation of Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field Is a Source of Pride for Petropars
Implementation of Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field Is a Source of Pride for Petropars

Implementation of Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field Is a Source of Pride for Petropars

  2020 May 03
In the sideline of the ceremony held for loading of the 1st Jacket of Phase 11 of the joint South Pars Gas Field, Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi, the Managing Director of Petropars described the implementation of Phase11 a source of pride for Petropars: an achievement which was the fruit and outcome of the unsparing efforts of all employees of Petropars. He went on to congratulate this happy event to each and every member of Petropas Group.

According to a report released by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi’s message reads, “I am extremely happy that, relying on the unsparing attempts and efforts made by our dear colleagues  at Petropars, we are now witnessing the operations for the loading of the first marine structure needed for development of Phase 11.”

“This Jacket is the first one for development of Phase 11 and weighs about 2,200 tons; a structure which will turn into a super-structure weighing almost 3,700 tons upon installation of all equipment and accessories. Today, your colleagues at Phase 11 are executing the loading operations and after it being harnessed and controlled, shipped and offloaded at sea, the erection operations will commence at 11B location in late-June 2020.

Hopefully, based on the planning and scheduling carried out for erection of the Jacket, the drilling rig will be deployed at the location intended and the drilling operations for the first 5 wells will begin for production of 400 million cubic feet of gas out of the joint South Pars Gas Field.”

“As our colleagues at Petropars are well aware, it has been since long that no serious and concrete executive operations have been performed on this Project. However, the follow-ups bore fruit and with the assistance of our colleagues at Petropars we materialized our objective in the sense that in Mehr 1398 (mid-October 2019), the preliminary operations for implementation of development of Phase 11 was seriously commenced at Petropars.”

“When TOTAL of France and CNPCI of China left the Consortium, maybe some people were under the impression that this Project could not be implemented by Petropars. However, we were lucky that the Petroleum Ministry trusted us the result of which is the loading of the first Jacket.”

“A short look at the past shows that the first phase for development of the joint South Pars Gas Field was executed by Petropars, after which Phases 4 & 5 and 6,7,& 8 were successfully implemented all of which are now in the production line and are sources of pride for Petropars. Similarly, we successfully managed to implement development of Phase 12 and Phase 19, and fortunately Petropars is presently developing the last Phase of the joint South Pars Gas Field.”

“This fortunate event proved feasible and possible with the invaluable assistance of all our colleagues at Petropars Group: an event which deserves a huge and sincere congratulation. Hopefully, we will manage as always to complete this Phase with the best quality which will definitely make all our colleagues at Petropars and all Iranian people happy from the depth of their heart.”