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President Rohani Expresses His Appreciation to Authorities in Charge of Commencement of upending of the First Platform of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field
President Rohani Expresses His Appreciation to Authorities in Charge of Commencement of upending of the First Platform of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field

President Rohani Expresses His Appreciation to Authorities in Charge of Commencement of upending of the First Platform of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field

  2020 May 21
In the course of the ceremonies held to commence the operations for the upending of the first Jacket of the Project for Development of Phase 11, the last phase of the joint South Pars Gas Field, President Rouhani expressed his appreciation to authorities in charge of this Project.

According to a report released by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, in the course of the ceremonies which were held today, Khordad 01,1399 (May 21, 2020) through live video connection attended by President Rouhani and the Petroleum Minister at 11B Position, after listening up to a technical report which described the operations and which was delivered by Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi, the Managing Directors of Petropars Group, President Rouhani commented, “We wish to express our appreciation to all persons who are in charge of oil and gas operations at the sensitive region of the Persian Gulf in general and the individuals who are presently videoed in particular, given the special circumstances we are experiencing at the time when it is still the Holy month of Ramadan and while the Coronavirus outbreak has already turned into a pandemic.

Stating that the call for “Production Soar in 1399” is sincerely heard under the difficult condition that we are experiencing under present circumstance, President Rouhani said, “I am profoundly pleased to see these operations commence today at Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field”.

In a part of the ceremonies, Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi, the Managing Directors of Petropars Group briefed President and the Petroleum Minister on the technical specifications of the Jacket of the Project for Development of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field and said that 350,000 man/hours of work has been performed for upending of the Jacket and we are extremely happy to say that we sustained no mishap and no incident whatsoever.

In his comments addressed to President Roudani, the Petroleum Minister elaborated, “Before Your Excellency’s Administration came to power, South Pars Gas Field had 10 phases completed while 17 phases were yet to be completed. We are pleased now to see that 17 unfinished phases, except the refinery of Phase 14 of South Pars, are productive presently and that by the end of this current Iranian year all offshore activities of South Pars Gas Field will have been terminated and come to their end.”

It is worth mentioning that, after the TOTAL of France and CNPCI of China left the Consortium, the Project for Development of Phase 11 was completely and fully ceded to Petropars while Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) acted as the Client. The ultimate objective of Phase 11 Project is to produce 2 billion cubic feet of enriched gas which will be transferred to the refineries at South Pars for processing.