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The first Turboexpander of Pars Region 2 (Kangan) was launched with domestic puissance.
The first Turboexpander of Pars Region 2 (Kangan) was launched with domestic puissance.

The first Turboexpander of Pars Region 2 (Kangan) was launched with domestic puissance.

  2020 July 29
Petropars Group Managing Director herald the successful launch of the first turboexpander of the South Pars Phase 19 onshore refinery.

Engineer Masoudi, It's so proud to launch the first Turboexpander in Pars Region 2 with domestic puissance,  and he said: " With the commissioning of this equipment in the first row of the Phase 19 of South Pars Gas Field Development refinery gas , the refinery's ethane production capacity has increased by about 3.5fold.

He pointed out that the launched turbo-expander has the most modern technology in the world, adding: "This equipment, despite the oppressive sanctions in the oil and gas industry and without the support of foreign companies, relying on the power and knowledge of domestic experts relying on the power and knowledge of domestic experts, it was put into production circuit and the second Turboexpander is expected to enter production next month.

Petropars Group Managing Director with reference that ethane gas is one of the most valuable products of the Phase 19 of South Pars Gas Field Development refinery gas and It has a lot of uses in the petrochemical industry, said: with the commissioning of this equipment and the increase of ethane gas production capacity in the country, we will see more production leaps in downstream industries.