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Countdown to south pars phase 11 drilling operations
Countdown to south pars phase 11 drilling operations

Countdown to south pars phase 11 drilling operations

  2020 October 30
Managing Director of Petropars Group announced the move of drilling rig towards the position of Phase 11 of South Pars in the persian gulf waters.

According to the public relations and international affairs of Petropars Group, Mr. HamidReza Massoudi announced the news and said: With the establishment of the drilling rig, in the coming days, drilling operations of the last phase of the South Pars joint field will begin.
Despite the outrageous sanctions, financial shortages and the spread of the coronavirus, it is hoped that with the efforts of domestic engineers and specialists and with planning, the initial production of Phase 11 of South Pars will soon begin and Islamic Iran will witness another honor .