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South Pars phase 11 drilling operations begin / share of Iranians in phase 11, 97%
South Pars phase 11 drilling operations begin / share of Iranians in phase 11, 97%

South Pars phase 11 drilling operations begin / share of Iranians in phase 11, 97%

  2020 December 14
Drilling operations of the first well of South Pars Phase 11 development plan began with the presence of the Managing Director of Petropars Group and live visual communication with the Minister of Oil.
According to the public relations and international affairs of Petropars Group, Mr. Masoudi at the launch ceremony of this operation, today, December 14, in a live video communication with Mr. Zangeh, the Minister of Oil, said, "Fortunately, the spell of development of the South Pars Phase 11 project was broken in 2020 by loading its first jacket on May 1, and on May 21, its installation operation began with the order of the president.

He added: Following this process on November 7, the drilling rig reached the position of 11B and was deployed and after technical procedures and performing the required performance tests and confirming the technical inspection and drilling team of Petropars Company, we are now ready to start drilling operations in the last block of South Pars Field.

Referring to the planning to accelerate the increase in production capacity from the South Pars gas field, Mr. Masoudi said, "For this purpose, in the first stage, by drilling and completing five wells and installing the 3700-ton SPD11B platform, the initial production of this project will be realized by 400 million cubic feet of gas per day. In the second stage, by drilling and completing seven other development wells, the total harvest from the platform will increase to one billion cubic feet (equivalent to 28 million cubic meters) of rich sour gas per day.

Managing Director of Petropars Group expressed his pleasure that the majority of the contracts on the surface, subsurface , procurement and utility with Iranian contractors and manufacturers, and so far the Iranian share of the project is 97%, and said, in fact, our goal in the implementation of phase 11, Utilization of the country's capacity and maximum use of domestic power, and the development of the last block of south Pars joint field in the “year of production leap” and relying on the knowledge, expertise and power of Iranian companies and without the presence of even a foreign company, sweetness has doubled its development and promising good vision for domestic producers, contractors and manufacturers.

Mr. Massoudi concluded, "This national plan has already created about 500 people directly and about 2,000 indirectly.