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Forouzan oil field go ahead towards to enhanced oil recovery/start of transfer of casing lines of Forouzan oil field
Forouzan oil field go ahead towards to enhanced oil recovery/start of transfer of casing lines of Forouzan oil field

Forouzan oil field go ahead towards to enhanced oil recovery/start of transfer of casing lines of Forouzan oil field

  2021 June 17
Managing Director of Petropars Group: By transporting and loading the first shipment of casing lines required for the Forouzan oil field Enhanced oil recovery project, the speed of the implementation process of this project will be increased step by step.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, Mr. Hamidreza Masoudi said in this regard: "One of the most important equipments required in drilling oil wells are casing lines that are placed inside the well with different diameters and now we are happy that the first shipment They were produced by an Iranian company and after performing technical tests, they went to Bushehr to be installed in Forouzan oil field.

He explained how to fulfill the obligations and schedule of production and delivery of this product: According to the contract concluded with a domestic pipe manufacturing company in February of last year, the first stage of these pipes was prepared in parallel with the drilling and in the coming months. The rest of the pipes are produced and delivered step by step.

The CEO of Petropars Group, stating that the policy and strategy of Petropars Company is to support Iranian goods and build capacity for the capabilities of domestic companies, noted: The company is the only Iranian company producing this type of pipes in the country whose product quality is approved Ministry of Oil.

Emphasizing that more than 85% of the goods and services used in the Forouzan oil field are supplied from within the country, Mr. Masoudi continued: "Undoubtedly, trust in the capabilities of domestic manufacturers will lead to their growth and expansion and increase employment for young people and local professionals and reduces dependence.

It is worth mentioning that Forouzan joint field is located 100 km from Bushehr on the Iranian-Saudi water border in the Persian Gulf. According to the project description, by drilling and repairing 26 wells, the production of this field will increase by about 12,000 barrels of oil per day. About 9,000 barrels of it will be realized in the first year of implementation.