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Developing the Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field Using the Iranian Downhole Safety Valves
Developing the Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field Using the Iranian Downhole Safety Valves

Developing the Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field Using the Iranian Downhole Safety Valves

  2021 July 03
The Managing Director of Petropars Group announced that extraction of gas resources from this field will be accelerated by constructing 13 series of downhole safety valves (DHSVs) through participation of one of domestic companies responsible for completing wells of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field. 

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in addition to the above statement, Mr. Hamidreza Masoudi said that" According to the contract, 13 series of DHSVs will be built in two stages to be used in Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field by a domestic company that has a good capacity in the field of manufacturing downhole and headhole items."

He said that 13,000 man-hours will be devoted to build this complex, and pointed to the need to use domestic production capacity and support the Iranian companies in the Petropars Group: "The use of domestic capability and growth and development of the Iranian contractors and builders are among strategic policies of the Petropars Group in building and completing national projects."

He also added: "In the same project of Phase 11 of South Pars Gas Field, if our project was suspended by foreigners, completion of wells would not be possible and extraction of gas resources would be interrupted. That is why we trusted domestic producers, and today, we can see that in many strategic and national projects, the domestic capacity meets our needs, and we are very happy about that."

Mr. Masoudi emphasized: "Fortunately, with the trust developed between the Petropars Group, as the largest exploration and production company (E&P) in the country and domestic companies, cost of this product in the country is much lower than its foreign counterpart that can prevent unreasonable outflow of currency and bring self-sufficiency in this area for the country."