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Petropars Group CEO's visit to South Azadegan Development Plan / adding four drilling rigs to South Azadegan development fleet
Petropars Group CEO's visit to South Azadegan Development Plan / adding four drilling rigs to South Azadegan development fleet

Petropars Group CEO's visit to South Azadegan Development Plan / adding four drilling rigs to South Azadegan development fleet

  2021 September 16
By attending in frontier border point, Mr. Hamid Reza Masoudi visited South Azadegan National Plan and reviewed the most recent situation of drilling operation. 

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in this visit in September 14 – 15, 2021, Petropars Group CEO and a delegation consisting of head office and project managers visited pads 3, 9, 12 and 41 and emphasized on accelerating the drilling operation. 
By emphasizing on the fact that developing oil and gas strategic fields is the most important mission of Petropars Group, he asserted: "within past month, 3 new drilling rigs are installed in the region by domestic contractors and by adding another rig, totally 4 drilling machines will be added to South Azadegan Oil Field development fleet." 
He added: "it is forecasted that by drilling these four wells, the capacity of drawing South Azadegan Field would increase 4000 oil barrels per day." 
Pointing out the fact that national plans are under development by domestic companies and we are observing good happenings in this regard, Petropars Group CEO noted: "Regardless of western sanctions and by relying upon young forces and local know – how, Petropars Group attempts to prevent any interruption in producing and developing domestic strategic plans and projects and, in this regard, the Group welcomes interactions and cooperation with domestic companies so that it can realize its commitments like the past." 
Currently, over 1800 active forces through various contractors are working in this national plan, 90% of whom are local forces.