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Petropars has been prideful in cutting dependency to foreigners and in knowledge generation
Petropars has been prideful in cutting dependency to foreigners and in knowledge generation

Petropars has been prideful in cutting dependency to foreigners and in knowledge generation

  2022 February 01
“Since the first day of foundation, the outlook of Petropars Group was practical and scientific independence and cutting any dependency to foreigners as well as knowledge generation to transfer modern technologies to the industry and we have been successful and prideful in realizing this goal” said Petropars Group CEO in a ceremony on the 21st anniversary of Petropars Group establishment and reverence of the previous CEO. 

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in this ceremony organized on January 31, 2022 at the outset of Islamic Revolution Anniversary and attended by NICO General Manager, Dr. Ali Akbar Pur Ebrahim, a number of previous managers of Petropars Group, board members and some managers of the company, Dr. Seyed Shamsuddin Moosavi pointed out the efforts and dedication by managers, experts and staff of Petropars Group within past 24 years and said that today the company is honored by such achievements and initiatives: “a characteristic of Iranians in different fields is their jihadi and mobilized morale so that if we have expertise and knowledge, we can learn them from foreigners and then we can continue it toward the highest scientific and expertise levels.

He continued: Such approach is happened in Petropars Group in the best manner and today, we can observe that in all national and strategic mega-projects, these are Iranian experts and managers which conduct the projects with the highest quality in proper interval by using domestic technical and equipment capacities.” 
He referred to words by the Supreme Leader in a gathering with a number of manufacturers and artisans and asserted: “The Supreme Leader stated that production and combating the enemies who intend to prevent our development is a kind of jihad; the enemies who do not allow us to produce and sell oil and to develop. Thus, it will be a very valuable jihad if we can be pioneer and active in production.”
Dr. Mousavi pointed out Petropars Group membership in the board of E&P Association and said: “today, Petropars Group is operating in production and exploration as a top ranking general contractor in the country and intends to extend its operations abroad by its jihadi efforts.” 
Afterwards, Petropars Group’s previous CEO, Mr. Hamid Reza Masoudi congratulated the designation of Dr. Moosavi and asserted that enjoys three unique advantages including letter of association, recipes and executive manuals for full oil and gas industry chain, high experience in collaborating with international and national contractors and advisors, and specialized and committed human capital: “Petropars Group has an outlook, roadmap and mission, its values and goals are set and this has provided it with a clear and hopeful horizon.”
In conclusion, Dr. Mousavi appreciated and granted Petropars Merit Awards to a number of previous managers including Mr. Hamid Reza Masoudi, Mr. Hamid Akbari, Mr. Gholam Reza Manouchehry, Mr. Mohammad Javad Shams, Mr. Ali Asghar Fakhri Kashan and Mr. Abulhussein Sharifi and cherished the memorial of the late Mr. Torkan and the late Mr. Rezvani.