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Petropars is a unique capacity for the government
Petropars is a unique capacity for the government

Petropars is a unique capacity for the government

  2022 June 01
In a meeting of Petropars Group Managers Club, the Managing Director of Petropars Group considered Petropars a unique capacity for the government, stating that a large part of it has been actualized and it must advance rapidly to flourish in order to serve the country.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in this meeting, which was held on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, Dr. Seyed Shamseddin Moosavi emphasized that innovation and creativity are among the requirements of leading organizations and guarantee future success and added: "Innovation creates a competitive advantage for the organization and when it is put in the plans and executive affairs of the group, we will witness a change in the organization and consequently its better performance than other companies in the executive processes".
The Managing Director of Petropars Group considered organizational development and transformation a continuous and inevitable thing that should happen with an all-inclusive approach and the participation of all managers and employees of the group and explained: "Employee participation is very important and only by exchanging ideas and through sympathy will the development and transformation of the organization proceed in the right and transcendent way".
Dr. Moosavi described human capital as the most important capital of the organization to advance the activities and achieve the common goals and said: "The existence of knowledge-based and researching employees that increases knowledge in the organization and expands it in society is a huge capital and Petropars Group needs to provide the grounds for growth and development in the knowledge-based area by taking advantage of this capital and using the lessons learned from its brilliant records".
It is noteworthy that the meeting of Petropars Group Managers Club was held after a two-year break due to COVID-19 as an opportunity for managers to exchange their ideas. After hearing the views of each of the managers and taking notes from them, the Managing Director of Petropars Group emphasized the need to carefully examine the issues raised and make use of them with the help of the managers and employees themselves.

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