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Petropars is a complete and capable company for the development of Venezuela’s oil and gas
Petropars is a complete and capable company for the development of Venezuela’s oil and gas

Petropars is a complete and capable company for the development of Venezuela’s oil and gas

  2022 June 14
The head of PDVSA considered Petropars a complete and capable company for oil and gas development and said, "This company can help the implementation of several Venezuelan projects".

According to the Report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, on the sidelines of a meeting with the CEO of Petropars Group and Board of Directors,  Asdrúbal Chávez  expressed hope that this meeting would mark the implementation of the plans and projects envisaged by Petropars in Venezuela’s oil and gas fields. He stated: "The Venezuelan State Oil Company has been cooperating with Petropars for nearly 15 years in various areas and has always benefited from the capabilities of this group in this regard".
He expressed contentment about the serious determination of the Islamic Republic of Iran to assist Venezuela in the development of oil and gas fields and facilities and to cooperate with Petropars, he said, "We value the goals set out for continuing cooperation with Petropars in various areas and the various oil and gas projects in our country are a good platform enabling us to use the capability of Petropars to achieve them".
The head of ‌PDVSA emphasized his country’s trust in the Petropars Group and explained, "We have witnessed great capacities of Petropars over these years, which shows that it is a complete company capable of working for the development of Venezuela’s oil and gas fields. It is an ideal company to which we can entrust our projects with peace of mind".
Referring to the need to set up a joint committee to implement the agreements reached on the development of oil and gas fields and equip, reconstruct and launch various oil and gas sectors of Venezuela between the two companies, Chávez said, "We find the formation and leadership of this committee very strategic and important, which is why the highest officials of the two companies will manage it so that we can implement the goals set out in the bilateral agreements at the best quality and within the shortest time possible".
In the end, Chávez sent the regards of the managers and employees of the Venezuelan State Oil Company to the managers and employees of the Petropars Group and emphasized, "The meetings between the presidents of the two nations are aimed at achieving common goals and we as the Venezuelan State Oil Company will do our best to use the capacities of the Petropars Group to take major steps towards achieving micro agreements between the two countries".
It is noteworthy that this meeting was held after the required arrangements by the Ministry of Oil on Sunday, June 12, following the visit of the Venezuelan President and his accompanying delegation to Iran. Dr. Moosavi, Managing Director of Petropars Group and his accompanying delegation described the group’s latest capabilities and emphasized its readiness and determination to cooperate with that country.